We empower entrepreneurs, creatives, leaders, and students to cultivate unshakable self-trust, become better decision-makers, and transform pivotal moments into paths of clarity and confidence.

Hi, I'm Shana!
I created a journal using the tools that helped me when I got divorced and quit my established career path in the same year... which happened to be the year 2020. Talk about a whirlwind! Suddenly the two things I identified with for a third of my life had shifted and I had no clue what to do next. I decided to create the Me-est Me™ Journal using the prompts and exercises that helped me reconnect with myself when I really needed them.
My superpower? I learned years ago that I’m able to connect with people pretty quickly upon meeting them. It’s wild some of the stories people have shared with me before even sharing them with their closest friends or family! I learned that by showing up as the me-est me, the most authentic, comfortable, honest version of myself, I can create space for you to show up comfortably too... to be your you-est you. So, I created a journal to assist in just that.
The questions used throughout this workbook helped me get to know myself after a major life transition. They helped me get grounded in me and celebrate parts I had overlooked when I hit “hard restart” on my life. I wanted to create something that anybody could use to reconnect with themselves and celebrate their version of the me-est me.